

Easter was a lot of fun this year living with Jamie and Dave. Warner was so excited when he walked up the stairs and saw his Easter stuff he was shaking his little bum as he ran over to his basket. It's so fun when they understand it a little bit more. He went straight for the cadbury eggs and was shoving the whole thing in his mouth. He was on a sugar high all day! Jamie and I decorated eggs for the kids since Warner doesn't really get that part yet, he just kept yelling "ball" at all the eggs so I knew he would just throw all of them if he touched them. We watched some of conference and then went over to my in-laws house for dinner. They got Warner a cute little bucket with shovels and more candy. It was weird not being with my parents too, but since Easter landed on conference weekend they were down there ushering. It was such a fun day! Ü

Warner's loot
Celee's loot
We went to the twins grave and took them some really cute stuff for Easter.
We took Warner to the park for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday with some of our friends. It lasted about 3 minutes and Warner only got 4 eggs. There were way to many kids there and holy crap was it cold. We decided that next year we will put on our own egg hunt together with just our friends so that the kids will have more time to find more eggs!

1 comment:

Matt, Amber, Berlyn, and Blake said...

It was fun to see each other on saturday. But for sure next year we should do a friend one it would be way more fun!!