
Six months and counting

We had our 4-D ultrasound last week, it was so cool! To me she looks a lot like Warner. But I can see bits of all of us in her. She looks like she has Shawn's nose and my mouth. The ultrasound tech said looking at her features she looks more like Shawn and I am so excited about that because I think Warner looks just like him too and he is so stinking cute! In the first part of the video you can see her take a big yawn, it's so crazy! She moves and kicks so much I think she will be just as active as Warner, man that little boy never stops. I know I am going to have my hands full with two but I can't wait for her to get here! How can you already love them so much when you haven't even met? In the first picture you can see her cute profile and she has her knee up to her mouth.
She totally has her daddy's nose in this picture.
She looks more like me in this picture.
Me at 25 weeks


Sharli said...

Look how cute you look! Do you have any names picked out yet?

Ben and Lindsay said...

you look so good!! And I can tell she is going to be the cutest thing ever! Just like Warner!

Carrie said...

So I was looking back and you haven't gotten any of my comments I've left on older posts): I don't know why?

Hopefully you get this...I'm SO EXCITED for your little girl! They are so different and I can't wait. You look great!

YAY for getting your sr. loan officer! That's no small accomplishment and you worked your butt of... you deserve it! I'm so proud(:

Warner is the cutest little thing ever! Looks like you guys had a really fun and busy Christmas! I love that ball car play thingy...he looks like he loved every minute(:

I'm so glad you support Jamie & Dave and go with them to the twins grave. I'm sure it means more to them than you will ever realize. I hope they are doing ok. Tell them I think about them all the time.

We need to do lunch!!!

Jilly said...

So super cute!!!!! I love the pictures!!!! I can't believe how big Warner is getting, he has an infectious smile, I just looked at him and it made me smile!

Jani said...


Emilee said...

That is so funny! we are building the holister by castle creek!! we love it! that is crazy! when are you guys starting to build?

Anonymous said...

WOW that 4-D is awesome. They didn't have that when i was pregnant um 11 years ago. I know sooo long ago. LOL! By the way you look as pretty as ever! I can't wait to see pics of her when she's born. Wish i was there to see you in person. But i'm NOT! Good luck with everything.