
Warner is "ONE"...

Our little boy has turned "ONE", I can't believe it! His birthday was on Monday August 3rd. I can't believe how this year has flown by. I am so glad that Warner came into our lives. He has brought such joy and laughter into our family. Shawn and I love to watch all the silly things he loves to do. A few of his favorite things are: wheels, remotes, trucks, swimming, and 4-wheeling. Warner is such a blessing, and I can't wait to see all the new things he will learn this next year. We love you little buddy and HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Ü
(He was all excited the morning of his b-day)
We had Warner's birthday party at the Clinton park with all his family and friends. He had a lot of fun but was a little overwhelmed with all the people and presents. I decorated the park in a "Mod Monkey" theme, it turned out so cute! We had to go a little big on his 1st birthday party! We had lots of balloons, streamers, banners, cake and ice cream. It was nice at the park because all the kids could go and play on the jungle gym or kick the soccer ball around.We had Warner open his presents first and was that a blast! He didn't really understand that he should just tear into them so his cousins and friends sure helped a lot showing him how. He got so many gifts like, a fire truck, a pirate ship, puzzles, Lego's, trucks, bubbles, clothes, and much more. Shawn and I got him his very own 4-wheeler. He loved it. I can't believe how fast he learned how to use it. He just climbs right on now and pushes the button. We didn't think that they made these for such a young age so when we saw it we had to buy it. The max speed is 2 miles and hour, so it is just right for him! After that we had some cake and ice cream. As you can see Warner dove right into his chocolate cake! He seemed to love it.

Even though the day was hot and a little overwhelming it was a great success! We all had such a fun time and I was so happy that everyone was able to make it to celebrate Warner's big day! ÜAt his 12 month doctor apointment he did really well. He still only weighs 20 lbs 10 oz (18% tile) and is 30 inches long (54% tile).


Sharli said...

I love your party theme! Happy Birthday Warner! It is crazy how fast time goes by, I can't believe all of our babies are almost a year@

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st birthday!! I can't believe it's been a year already. Holy cow. Looks like he made out well. He's such a handsome boy!